Rabu, 29 Mei 2013
Harga HP HTC
Bagi sebagian orang, nama HTC mungkin kurang begitu akrab, tidak seperti LG, Sony, Nokia, Blackberry ataupun Samsung. Padahal, saat ini produk-produk smartphone dari HTC sudah mulai menyaingi produk dari merk-merk lainnya. Meskipun harga hp HTC tidak bisa disebut murah, namun HTC sangat menjaga kualitas dari produk-produknya.
For some people, the name HTC may be less so familiar, not like LG, Sony, Nokia, Blackberry or Samsung. In fact, current products smartphone from HTC has begun to compete with products from other brands. Although the price of the HTC mobile phone can not be called cheap, but HTC is maintaining the quality of its products.
For some people, the name HTC may be less so familiar, not like LG, Sony, Nokia, Blackberry or Samsung. In fact, current products smartphone from HTC has begun to compete with products from other brands. Although the price of the HTC mobile phone can not be called cheap, but HTC is maintaining the quality of its products.

Dan untuk mengetahui harga HP HTC, dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut. Daftar harga yang ada, sebaiknya hanya digunakan sebagai referensi saja, atau sebagai pembanding dengan produk dari merk yang lain.
And to determine the price of the HTC mobile phone in April 2013, can be seen in the following table. Existing price list, should only be used as guidance only, or for comparison with products from other brands.
And to determine the price of the HTC mobile phone in April 2013, can be seen in the following table. Existing price list, should only be used as guidance only, or for comparison with products from other brands.
Daftar harga HP HTC (HTC mobile price list):
No. | Tipe | Harga (Rp) |
1. | HTC Desire V | 3.300.000 |
2. | HTC Desire VC | 2.999.000 |
3. | HTC One S | 5.500.000 |
4. | HTC One V | 2.750.000 |
5. | HTC One X | 5.950.000 |
6. | HTC Sensation XE | 4.650.000 |
7. | HTC Wildfire Explorer | 1.500.000 |
Demikianlah sedikit ulasan dan informasi harga HP HTC, mudah-mudahan ada manfaatnya. Dan anda juga bisa mengetahui informasi produk-produk yang lainnya di Daftar Harga, terima kasih.
So a few reviews and information HTC phone price, hopefully no benefit. And you can also find out information that other products in the price list, thank you.
So a few reviews and information HTC phone price, hopefully no benefit. And you can also find out information that other products in the price list, thank you.